Friday, July 3, 2009

Gypsy Princess

My name is Nikki Leigh McKean and I was born July 19th 1980 in Ajax, ON Canada. For as long as I can remember, I have always thoroughly enjoyed taking photographs. When asked, ‘what do you want to do when you grow up?’ I would often answer, “a nurse or a national geographic photographer-I want to capture images from all over the world.” I actually remember when I was young asking my mother once how long it would take to meet every single person in the world. I wanted to meet them and their family and take their pictures and see how they lived. What I love most about my mother was her amazing way of making the impossible seem possible with her extremely positive outlook on life. She answered… “a long time, but I’m sure you could do it. That sounds fun!” Looking back, I see the parallel between a nurse and a photographer, in that, there is a strong devotion to the presentation of the images that I portray through my photography and the devotion a nurse has for caring.

I pursed photography in high school as an elective and loved it! The school darkroom became my second home, I was so fascinated by the entire process of taking the picture and then seeing it come to the surface in the photo trays. Through the encouragement of my teacher Mr. Furman and my family, I took an advanced photography course and then again in night school with my good friend Wendy as a hobby. I admire the people who travel the world risking the elements to capture the moments in time that many cannot experience themselves in their own lifetime. I remember reading a copy of National Geographic and the Editor Bill Allen explaining what I feel is the essence of photography, “we send photographers into the field for months, just so they can capture that one magical moment, part serendipity, part preparation.”

I have a true passion for people, travel and photography. I understand that I will always be learning more technical aspects of the field but recognize that this comes through advanced study and dedicated practice over years of experience. I started a visual diary at a young age with a collection of photos that inspire me as a person and as an artist. I truly believe that a visual diary of any kind begins to tell your story as it has proven true for me. The best advice I can give to anyone is ‘write it down’ or cut it out and paste it in. If you ever come across anything that inspires you write it down or cut it out and paste it in your journal. You will be amazed of how many of your dreams will become your reality once you can visually see it.

One of the items on my list is Africa. Since I could remember I have always wanted to travel to Africa to watch the great migration. One of my favourite pastimes was the sound of Lorne Greene’s voice on New Wilderness, a show that my dad and I couldn’t get enough of. New Wilderness was a Canadian television nature documentary that had stunning photography with captivating storylines that focused on wildlife behaviour and the efforts being made to save endangered species. This was the beginning of my love for Africa. Although I love all wildlife I would have to say that I have always had a strong love for the wildlife and people of Africa. I am inspired by a place I have never been before so I can’t imagine how humbled and truly inspired I will feel when I am actually standing under the African sun in the Masai Mara where every year 2 million animals move clockwise from the Serengeti around a 14,763sq km ecosystem in search of grazing and water… something on my list that I only imagined one day would come true.

Now… I am 12 days out from getting on a plane with my long time friend Wendy Van Kempen to travel through Dubai for 3 days and then to Kenya, Africa for 3 weeks on safari to watch the great migration. This is the same Wendy that I took one of my night school photography courses with back in highschool. Who knew that a conversation that we had almost 12 years ago of one day going to Africa to take pictures of all the wildlife and amazing people would now be coming true. Thank you Wendy for inspiring me with my photography and joining me on a trip that will forever change me as a person and as an artist. Most of all I would like thank all of my friends and family for the unconditional love and support over all the years of my travelling and gypsy like tendencies… (smile) And, none of this would be possible without the two most important people in my life, my best friends, my mom and dad. Thanks doug and darla! You inspire me with not only your love and commitment to one another but to everyone around you and I am so grateful for your motivation and belief that anything is possible if you put your mind to it! I love you.

-nikki leigh mckean

1 comment:

  1. awesome nic! cant wait to read all about your travels and see the pics :) I love it when people follow their dreams xo
